Monday.. Monday..

Anyone know where this is?

Monday’s To Do List

1. Write up a few  eBay auctions.

2. do something with my hair..

3. Dinner= Left overs..  because I’ll be at the auction

4. Make breakfast for 7 children..

5. Pick Up #3 prize at the Library

6. Go to the auction

7.  Lunch with a friend

8. Clean out the closet in my bedroom

9. Send out packages

Monday’s a Good Day to Get a Few Things Done..

Monday is book sale day…

Monday’s To Do…

1. Figure out what movie we are watching for Theater in the Parking Lot. (Wednesday Night Youth Group)

2. Write up a few eBay things.

3. Work on presentation.

4.  Clean the Abode.. :/

5.  Figure out what we are going to do about dance this coming school year.

6. VBS Crafts

7.  Eclipse Tickets..

8. wii Fit

9.  Library book sale

Wednesday Seems Like a Good Day to Get Something Done

Wednesday’s To Do List…

1.  Work on VBS stuff

2.  Youth Group

3. Read some books to the monkeys

4. Change where eBay photos are hosted

5. Sign #3 up for the library program

6. Work on Church eBay stuff

7. Dinner= the frozen kind..

8. Upload photos to YG Facebook pages

9. Create Girl Scout Facebook page (upload some photos)