I received a message on Facebook from a reader asking what I mean by “new this week promo” on my “today’s plans” blog posts.
I am a eBay consultant for a large catalog company. I started consulting for them in 2016. I was going to work a couple of weeks, and that turned into years. I’ve learned SO much with this company. They use promotional emails with their catalog and online store. We wondered what we would happen if we did the same for our eBay customers. In early 2019 we started seriously using eBay’s promoted listings and markdown manager. This was (in my opinion) a huge game changer for this company’s account. In October of 2019 we started our “one and only” campaign. The one and only promos work like this.
- We list 6 new items, that we only have one of.
- They start each Monday at 9:00am
- They go in a special store category made just for them. If they sell great, if not we remove them from that category on Sunday evening.
- These items vary in price and item type.
We’ve had pretty good success with this. I was a bit skeptical, but I am pleased with the Monday One and Only campaigns. We sell about 30% of those items on the first day of their offering. The draw back to me is sometimes it’s challenging to find 6 unique/special items with a WOW factor to make people want to buy.
If you are not using promoted listings, markdown manager or sending out updates to your subscribers, YOU SHOULD TRY IT.
Me.. out in the warehouse.