Today is a special anniversary for #4 and I. You see two years ago to day he gave me this:
He’s pretty romantic for a 7 year old don’t you think?
If you just started reading my blog (WELCOME!).. or if you are one of my 5 readers.. you’d know this is the ring #4 pledged his love to me with. (he really asked me to marry him You can check out my original blog about it HERE.
I never take it off, except to show people… I love the strange looks I get when people notice it, but are too scared to ask me what it is. Sometimes #4 just comes over and grabs my hand to see if I still have it on.
No one thought it would last.. the ring that is. The Man
predicted it would outlast the sun. Today is #4 and I’s
anniversary.. I asked him if he still wanted to marry me;
He said; “Sure if Dad let’s me!”
Good Gravy! I love that kid!