Listening: My children are talking about how they would spend the lottery money if we won…but you have to play to win… :/
Loving: It's MAY and school is almost over. We will be doing reading and math will #4 and #5 all summer. It's kind of a bitter sweet because this is going to be #2's last year homeschooling. He'll still be a senior next year… and taking mostly college classes. This is a GREAT thing.. but makes me a little sad.
Thinking: This coming Sunday is graduation at the local high school which also means it's Graduation Sunday at our church. (Why they do it on Mother's Day.. I have no idea) Since I'm the youth leader at my church I get the honor of celebrating the Seniors at my church. We honor them by parading them in front of the church and then having a lunch after church before graduation.. so their parents don't have to worry about cooking a meal between church and graduation.
Wanting: To take a nap.
Needing: To get my lists done for everything I need to do this coming weekend.. I need a grocery list, miscellaneous list of stuff to purchase or bring to church.
Stalking: The Adopt Shoppe on Facebook. I love love love her stuff!