I know I've talked about my kids and their braces.. But I completely forgot about a blog I was going to write, until we received a post card in the mail that reminded me.
#3.5 and the post card.
About four days after #3.5 got her braces on… she was sitting on the floor with #3.. I don't know what they were doing, but before you know it #3.5 looked like this:
She's stuck… to the carpet.. by her braces…. When we finally got her "unstuck" she said "I think I have carpet fibers in my braces!"
We thought it was hilarious.. and when we went in for a braces check up for #2 and #3; I showed the office staff the picture (above) I think they thought it was funny too!
It says: "Hope all is well with your new braces! *Warning: stay away from CARPET. LOL Have a good day!" We love the people at Fry Orthodontics and this is one of the reasons why!
No #3.5's were hurt in the making of this blog. The carpet won't be the same.. but she's doing fine