Monday for my birthday we did a little antiquing. Most kids don't like to go to antique stores.. but mine love it! (lucky I know) Ottawa Kansas has LOTS of antique stores. I wrote about this little antique store back in 2009 when they also served lunch and PIE.
I love little beaded and sequined purses. I would love to hear the stories that they could tell.
Hello old lace and a silver bag.. I love you…
This is one of my favorite prints. I should have bought one.
Pile of keys!
They had tons of these print blocks. #3 and #3.5 love to dig through these!
I love this little red filing cabinet.
Rolling pins
Middleton's Ottawa Maid Bread… I didn't know that there was a bakery in Ottawa.
You have the lock and key to my heart…
Do you love this old desk? I do!
More cute little handbags
I love these E coasters.. so delicate and cute
#4 said.. "Hey the Clown's actually in this one!"
Pile of old hankies.
#5 wanted this horse..
Good lookin' kids don't you think?